ROYAL CANIN Light Weight Care Gravy Wet Cat Food 85g x 12


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Cats are loving, clingy, and sweet creatures but tend to be stoic so you’ll never know if something’s already “off” about their health unless you get to really observe their weight and change in behaviour. If your cat is looking fluffier than usual with a belly pouch hanging on that adorable cuddly body, it might be all laughs and fun but not until they start to show symptoms of diabetes or FLUTD. An unusual fluffy cat could start feeling sluggish, having low energy, or even struggling to clean the behind which often leads to Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disorder (FLUTD) plus the extra weight that could also lead to Diabetes… then what’s next is: Frequent visits to the vet and pharmacies for medications.
Your baby might not be able to complain but it’s not just you who hates going to the vet, they struggle more when having their blood tested without knowing what’s going on, getting force-fed when they don’t feel like eating or taking those sour medicines given to them without knowing what’s it for. As a fur parent, it’s time to stand up for your furball of sunshine and be an AdvoCAT to keep them longer in your life. It’s hard seeing your baby grow old, but it’s harder to see them suffer so why not start taking care of their weight today by choosing the right food and doing what’s best for your baby’s weight management.